First Aid (Scout Module 10b Practical)

This is a short one hour session where you demonstrate to our assessors that you can carry out the practical elements of First Aid, such as CPR, recovery position and control of bleeding.

To book onto this course you must have completed Module 10a (online training).

Sessions are limited to 12 participants and cost £10 per participant.


If you require a 10b assessment please contact the Bookings Team.

6 hr First Response First aid course

The course covers all of the First Aid requirements set out by the Scout Associations for the Scout ‘First Response Certificate.

If you have 10 or more people we are able to come to your Group to run a First Aid Course. Please get in touch.

Course Contents

  • Principles of first aid and initial response (arriving and managing an incident)
  • Initial response to a first aid situation
  • Management of an unconscious casualty (child or adult)
  • CPR, including technique for children and explanation of what AED is and how to use it
  • Choking, Shock, Bleeding, Fractures (ambulance imminent and non-imminent) and Sprains, Head injuries, Dental incidents, Burns, Asthma, Anaphylaxis, Heart Attack, Stroke, Seizures, Diabetes, Sepsis/Meningitis

Please note that the Scout Association require a large amount of content to be covered in this one-day course. Many of the topics included in this course are usually only covered in a two or three day course. Therefore, due to the time constraints some topics will only be covered at a high level, whereas a two or three day training course will cover this in more detail.


  • Tea and coffee will be provided
  • Bring a packed lunch.
  • The course will be held in the classroom – please park next to Reception and walk up.
  • The course will be 10am until 4pm.
  • The course costs £30 per person with up to 30 spaces available on each course.

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